Category: Blast From The Past

Blast From The Past: Ethier’s 2011 Hitting Streak

‘Dre continuing his 2011 hit streak by knocking a two run homerun over the right field pavilion.

One of the bright spots from last years 2011 season was definitely that of Andre Ethier hitting in 30 consecutive games. I remember reading an article about the streak and there was a certain quote of ‘Dre’s that intrigued me. I was in a creative mood so I decided to write a little paragraph about the quote. Hope you all enjoy it…

When asked about his 30 game hitting streak, Andre Ethier humbly replied, “I don’t understand what the big deal is.” Well, at a time when gas prices are soaring past five bucks, when we look to the government with hope only to find a bunch of swindlers, when we try to find sportsmen whom we can look up to, only to find overpaid egos who couldn’t care less. At a time when many find themselves unemployed and running out of benefits with no encouraging signs from the economy, or even dealing with the drama and difficulties of everyday life…Having 3 hours out of the day in which we can forget all that and cheer for a nice kid who we all want to see succeed, being able to stand up and clap and give up high fives and feel good again, forgetting the world for a moment, forgetting the troubles we are carrying, concentrating on every pitch, holding our collective breath and then smiling and cheering some more. What’s the big deal? Baseball is. Go Dodgers!

-Garrett McConchie-